Choosing dental insurance plan, as well as choosing any other thing, you face with a huge choice. If you find a proper dental insurance, you can save your money and at the same time get a high-quality care.
Here are four dental insurance options you may think about in the first place:
1. Traditional Dental Insurance Policy
Traditional dental insurance policies work alike to health insurance policies. Having bought a traditional dental insurance plan you will have to pay monthly premium and get such benefits as 80-100% coverage of your dental cost.
It would be cheaper for you to find traditional dental insurance policy with the help of an insurance agent, the costs will be higher than if you do it with the help of your employer.
2. Dental Reimbursement Policy
A dental reimbursement policy is a kind of agreement between your employer and you. Due to this agreement you pay for the dental care, give the receipt to your employer, and get the reimbursement up to the limit (in most cases $500-$1000 in a year).
Such policy is a great way for employers to offer benefits to employees. The employees in their turn don’t worry of paying monthly premiums to their insurance company and can choose the dentist they want.
3. Voluntary Group Policy
Another way to get a cheap dental insurance policy is to ask the employer to create the voluntary group dental insurance policy. In this case you can count on a cheaper group rate and better benefits.
4. Dental Discount Plan
A dental discount plan is a great way to pay for your dental care and dentist at a lower price. Such plans guaranties that you’ll get a discount on a specific service. For instance, if you simply visit your dentist, you’ll have to pay $100 for cleaning and visit. But having dental discount plan with a 20% discount, you’ll pay only $80. This kind of plan requires you to pay a monthly fee to the provider of dental discount plan. But it is much cheaper than insurance
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